
The future of tradition


The future of tradition

“The work of the timber makes the nobility ”

Being carpenter for LGMN means to have the spirit of transmission, our companions are invested in the training of our young people.


Tasks and responsibilities

Our work is to restore and preserve the old structures. We sometimes have to reconstruct them in their entirety according to the rules of art.

Far from standardizing mechanized work, we master drawing art for complex and unique achievements.

We work from blueprints, to draw the cleansing (the work in full size) or we make computer assisted drawings (DAO) and structural calculations by software. These means allow us to diagnose pathologies and schedule surgical intervention.

Depending on the nature of the building and its geographical location, we select the woods according to their origin, gasoline, hardness, resistance, risk class according to the regulations.

Most often we shape elements in our workshop and then assemble them on site

Our enthusiasts companions love wood matter and works complexity that makes an exceptional job.

Our carpenters work according to the rules of the art and the maintenance of their high know-how which makes our reputation. They know how to adapt to the most complex situations and solve the difficulties of implementation.

Our carpenters are particularly invested in their know-how handing on and are committed to guide the actions of young apprentices.


The future of tradition

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